Monday 1 April 2013

Hey Everyone and welcome to my blog!

I thought in this post that I would just talk a bit about myself so that you can all get to know me, obviously nothing too deep that would scare you all just a little bit of information about me!
Well, first of all my name is Olivia (just incase you haven't read the 'about me' section yet) I am 13 years old. My birthday is on the 12th April, which is 11 days away if you read this on the day I post it. My hobbies are dancing, writing and reading blogs and watching YouTube videos. I am in year 9 at high school and will be starting doing GCSEs next year (which is something I am not looking foward to). I hope to become a clinical psychologist when I am older as I would love to help people who really need and want help.

The reason I am starting to write a blog is that for ages I have been reading blogs and watching YouTube videos and for ages I have wanted to start a blog and YouTube channel. I lack a lot of confidence because of a number of reasons so I am not fully ready to start a YouTube channel (yet!) but I am ready to start a blog. My blogs are mainly going to be focused around beauty, fashion, cooking since they are big passions of mine, and life in general. Hopefully you all enjoy reading this blog and I hope that throughout the years I am writing this blog if I can inspire just one person then I will have done my job!

Remember that there is beauty is in everybody.

Thanks for reading

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